Thursday, May 10, 2012


Get ready.....Get set.....GO!! A few weeks ago me and some of my fellow students from Shippensburg University participated in Ready, Set, Go-an early reading initiative in which parents drop their kids off at learning stations that promote early literacy while they (the parents) participate in an informative seminar on providing an enriching emergent environment for their children to grow and learn.

 Our particular station used the children's book The Farmer in The Dell as our literary cornerstone for our activity. We first read the story to the children who came to the station. After a quick read we allowed students to participate in a role play situation where they all had props and had to step in to a circle and dance when their character was mentioned in the "Farmer In the Dell" song that we played after we read the book.

Each character was picked by the student anonymously and had a picture and text of the particular character they were listening for in the song. Above is a student who chose the cat, notice the cat ears she is wearing on her head as a prop!
Above is myself holding on to the child who was playing the cheese. His head was too small to wear the cheese on his head!
Overall the kids and the college participants had a great time and made the night meaningful and fun!