Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Whole Brain Teaching: Effective or Trend?

Hello my blogger followers! I'm sorry for the summer delay and lack of posts in the last few months. I was dazed in the summer sun/fun and just hadn't had the time to get on here and post. But nevertheless I'm back!

Before I went on my short leave of absence from the blogging world I attended a high impact strategies professional development seminar. This seminar was part of a new initiative of Pennsylvania school districts to develop an understanding to their newly formed curriculum plans/styles under an idea called Learning Focused Schools.

One of the most interesting parts of the seminar featured a video explaining (through example) "whole brain teaching". The central focus behind "whole brain teaching" is active engagement; getting the learner to stay as active as possible while receiving information.

The example video featured college level students. Since I have a focus of younger students I came across a similar video featuring younger age groups.

Personally I think the teaching style is a refreshing new way to conduct whole group lessons. Critics say that its simply what is trending in lecture style right now. What do you think? Let me know in the comments!