Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Technology Integration Research

Hello everyone! Hope everything is going well with my regular followers. Exciting things are happening for me these days; I am planning on student teaching this spring and then graduating with my undergraduate degree in May. I can't wait!

I'm posting today about my research that I recently presented in October in 2012 on web-based technology integration in elementary school social studies. I presented at the Pennsylvania Council for Social Studies in Bethlehem PA and all the participants really seemed to enjoy it. I completed the project in coordination with Dr. Han Liu, a social studies methods instructor at Shippensburg University.

The research was divided into thee parts with a brief introduction. The introduction's objective was to generate the question of why we need technology integration in classrooms while at the same time developing an awareness of how integrated technology is in our society.

Two videos were discussed, reviewed, and talked about.

The rest of the presentation was then divided into three easy web based technology applications that could be used in many grades and ages within school buildings. All activities are free to use (the most you need to do is create a free account) with the exception of the smart board applications (you need to download the smart software and it only provides you with a 40 day free trial).

Below is the Prezi (or presentation tool) in which I presented my research to the participants in the council. This Prezi has the two videos in the introduction and the links to all the web-based applications (and examples of those applications).

In addition there was also a wiki space that I used to organize all the additional information for technology integration. The link is also here for your convenience.

Enjoy these tools and use them in your classroom. Technology integration is absolutely essential in a 21st century education!