Thursday, April 26, 2012

Project Power

The highest level of thinking (according to bloom's taxonomy) is evaluation. What activities are associated with evaluation? Recreating something, projects that encourage you to construct, build, and design around a standard or a theme.

In my "assessing young children" class at Shippensburg University we did an activity that touched on the evaluation of thinking. During the project and after the project was over I couldn't help but think of ways that I could adapt or transfer the idea to students. If we can find ways to develop projects that touch on the evaluation of learning then students will most certainly prosper.

The project was to pick from a list of things to build. Your finished work may only contain recyclable materials. My group chose the option of designing a village.
In creating the village it took a collaborative effort with teammates and precision placement of materials.
We named our village awesome town. Here you will see the water tower, houses, telephone poles, and the school.

This is the urban section. In this photo is the apartment complex, corporation, park, bank, and radio station.

I felt like there wasn't enough time in the world to complete this project (we only had 50 minutes) my group members and I had a great time constructing this mini village. The standards connected to the activity were building and designing structures, problem solving, and displaying the rules of the road.

If projects like this are so engaging and enjoyable, and they touch on blooms highest level of thinking and understanding then we need to be planning more activities like this into the curriculum!

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